#249: [On Air Coaching] How to Take a Copywriting Business to the Next Level with Lilli Koisser

#249: [On Air Coaching] How to Take a Copywriting Business to the Next Level with Lilli Koisser

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Lilli Koisser is a freelance copywriter and blogger for self-employed business owners, entrepreneurs, and mid-size companies. As a freelance writer with over 5 years of experience, she has developed the skills to help her clients unlock the power of SEO and content marketing to promote their businesses, gain traction on search engines, and attract new customers through their websites and blog posts. From the skills she has acquired throughout her journey, she created her first online course to help entrepreneurs and small business owners learn how to structure their websites and create website copy that attracts their dream clients.

Lilli joins me for this On Air Coaching episode to learn strategies to take her copywriting business to the next level by promoting her online course and replacing her freelance writing income with online products. We discuss the importance of focusing on a single launch strategy and staying consistent to scale your online course and the impact of trying too many launch strategies. We also discuss the importance of segmenting your email list as well as how to calculate your launch conversion rate and automating your launch process.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Build your list around your launches and focus on a launch list.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Building a community to scale your online course
  • How a launch list can impact the scalability of your course launches
  • Choosing a launch method that works best for you
  • Staying consistent in your launch strategy
  • Creating content to create interest and attract new clients
  • Using Facebook ads to build brand awareness
  • How to calculate your course launch conversion rates
  • Automating processes for launching your products
  • Offering higher end, 1:1 VIP packages
  • Why you should always end a 5-day challenge with a webinar

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