#166: [On Air Coaching] How to Get Booked as a Podcast Guest with Wiebke Wagner

#166: On Air Coaching - How to Get Booked as a Podcast Guest with Wiebke Wagner

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Wiebke Wagner is an equine assisted sales coach based in Klagenfurt, Austria. Equipped with a degree in business, she recently started her coaching business by combining her passion for horses with her love and knowledge of the sales industry to help female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and increase their revenue through authentic sales strategies.

Wiebke joins me in this On Air Coaching segment to learn strategies for getting booked as a featured guest on podcasts. We discuss the importance of crafting an interesting and exciting story about your business or career, how to pitch to podcast hosts, and why you should consider creating a freebie to offer to podcast audiences.

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In This On Air Coaching Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Developing your core message and crafting your business story
  • How to pitch your story to podcast hosts
  • The importance of being consistent when pitching
  • Why you should offer a freebie to podcast audiences
  • Tracking strategies to help you learn which podcasts drove the most traffic to your website

Key Takeaways:

  1. Craft your business story. Refine your core message so you can deliver it authentically and confidently.
  2. Offer a freebie to podcast listeners to help you grow your list and track your interview progress.

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