#116: [On Air Coaching] How to Get Over Perfectionism With Romana Handler

[On Air Coaching] How to Get Over Perfectionism With Romana Handler

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Romana Handler is a graphic designer based in Austria. She is the owner of the company She’s on Fire Personal Branding and Life Design where she helps female entrepreneurs have an impactful online presence by providing them with spectacular logo designs and consistent remarkable online branding.

Romana joins me in this On Air Coaching session to learn how to get over perfectionism, especially the strong desire she has to perfect her work. I share different perspectives on perfectionism relating to ego and procrastination, the proven effective ratio between effort and output, and some practical steps to avoid wasting time trying to make your work perfect.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”The key is to make the clients happy and think less about the output being perfect to you. – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This On Air Coaching Episode on The Sigrun Show:

  • How perfectionism prevents Romana from being efficient
  • The relationship between procrastination and perfectionism
  • Setting specific hours for tasks
  • The relationship between your ego and perfectionism
  • Asking clients for feedback on revisions
  • The root of Romana’s perfectionism issue

Key Takeaways:

  1. Twenty percent of your effort is responsible for 80% of the outcome.
  2. If you’re shipping a perfect product, you’re sending it too late.
  3. Often, people don’t know what they want until they see the output.
  4. We are imperfect beings, so stop trying to be perfect.

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