#73: [On Air Coaching] How to Pivot in Your Business with Audrey S. Arnold

[On Air Coaching] How to Pivot in Your Business with Audrey S. Arnold

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Audrey S. Arnold is the owner of Lotus Power Health, an online health coaching company focused on helping women naturally achieve their health and fitness goals through her online courses and coaching programs. She has been recognized as a Hubba Health and Wellness Influencer numerous times and has been featured in several publications, including World Changing Warriors Magazine, Daily Mail, and Integrative Women’s Health Institute.

Audrey wants to pivot her business to begin focusing more on helping female entrepreneurs with small children. She joins me in this On Air Coaching episode to learn strategies to pivot her business, leverage the knowledge and experience of her first business to make her new venture a success, and begin creating group coaching programs for her new target market.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”The pivot comes from communicating with your list, tagging them, and creating new content. – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This On Air Coaching on The Sigrun Show:

  • Leveraging your previous experience to pivot your business
  • Creating clarity around your new business direction
  • Ways to evaluate your audience’s interests and challenges
  • Segmenting your email list when pivoting your business
  • Following up with your email subscribers
  • Creating fresh content during a business pivot
  • Identifying your audience’s challenges in a face-to-face or telephone conversation before launching new programs

Resources Mentioned:

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