#74: [On Air Coaching] How to Use Stories in Your Business with Cynthia Renee

[On Air Coaching] How to Use Stories in Your Business with Cynthia Renee

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Cynthia Renee is the owner of Cynthia Renee, Inc, a company she founded in 1990 from her love of beautiful gemstones and her passion for adventure. Her company originally began as a supplier to retail jewelers with fine colored gemstones, branching out into jewelry design, and evolving into the company it is today – working directly with collectors and creating high-end, unique heirloom jewelry.

Cynthia joins me in this On Air Coaching session to learn why storytelling is one of her assets and how to incorporate more storytelling into her business and marketing to increase sales, connect with her audience, and grow her business authentically.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”People want to listen to stories. We are hardwired to listen to stories. – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This On Air Coaching on The Sigrun Show:

  • How stories around your products can impact your sales
  • How storytelling of building a business is more important than the business itself
  • How storytelling strategies can lead to speaking engagements and business growth
  • Creating time and space by outsourcing tasks
  • How personal stories help you connect with your audience on a deeper level
  • Tying your personal stories into your business and products – when it makes sense
  • Incorporating Facebook Lives into your marketing mix with storytelling and cross-promotion

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