#203: Why Every Online Business Owner Needs a Video Strategy With Ben Amos

#203: Why Every Online Business Owner Needs a Video Strategy With Ben Amos

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Ben Amos is the creative director of Innovate Media, one of the leading online video strategy agencies in Australia. He is a passionate video producer, speaker, and educator helping brands around the world improve their video storytelling skills and uplevel their video marketing strategy. The transition of Ben’s company from a simple video production company to a video strategy agency was triggered by his desire to produce results for his clients and teach them how to be effective and strategic storytellers.

Ben joins me to share why every online business owner needs a video strategy. He shares the common mistake business owners make when they create video content and why overwhelm is the biggest problem when planning to execute video strategy. He also explains the different types of videos you should create for clients in different parts of the funnel as well as why he recommends vlogging and how to be consistent in doing it as part of your video strategy.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Video, when done authentically, can connect with a problem and a pain that someone’s feeling without it seeming too salesy.” – Ben Amos” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • What Ben learned from his previous experience that made him realize video strategy is a must-have for business owners
  • How he saw the need to upscale his skills in marketing strategies and digital marketing
  • How his company transitioned from a video production company to a video strategy agency
  • What full funnel video content is
  • Where the client decision-making starts
  • Why videos are the best platforms to use at the top of your sales funnel
  • Why you need to understand your audience before deciding which platform to use
  • Why you need to understand the “language” of each platform
  • What a Brand Story Video is and the best way to approach this
  • Who the hero of your brand story should be
  • What to keep in mind before doing Facebook Live
  • What the core of content marketing is
  • Two strategies to be consistent in vlogging
  • What a vlog kit consists of
  • What’s preventing people from vlogging

Key Takeaways:

  1. The first element of any marketing strategy is understanding your audience.
  2. It doesn’t hurt to repurpose your content across different platforms, but know what your primary platform is for any piece of video content.
  3. When done right, vlogging can help people feel connected with you on a more human level – build that relationship with you, and feel like they’re your friend.

Connect with Ben Amos:

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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