#241: [Client Case Study] How I Took My Passion for Alternative Medicine and Animals Online with Selen Graf

#241: [Client Case Study] How I Took My Passion for Alternative Medicine and Animals Online with Selen Graf

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Selen Graf is an Animal Healing Practitioner and Animal Naturopath with a passion for helping animals through natural remedies and alternative medicine practices. In 2011, she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Psychology and, later obtained a Master’s degree – also in Business Administration with a special focus on Management. Realizing that business management wasn’t her passion, in 2016, she pivoted her career by becoming an Animal Healing Practitioner to follow her dream of helping animals and pet owners heal their pets through naturopathic remedies.

In this Client Case Study episode, Selen shares how she took her offline practice and passion for naturally healing animals to the online business world. She shares how she created her first online course and the feedback she received that impacted her self-esteem, self-confidence, and belief in herself. She also shares the challenges she overcame throughout the process and how being part of an online community of like-minded, business-focused individuals impacted her success and helped her achieve her goals.

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In This Client Case Study Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Selen realized her passion for naturopathic remedies for animals
  • Why she decided to take her offline animal health practice online
  • How she overcame procrastination to start her online business
  • How she created her first online course
  • How the feedback response she received from her first online course participants impacted her self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-belief
  • What the future holds for her new online business
  • The mindset challenges she overcame to achieve her goals of becoming a successful online entrepreneur

Connect with Selen Graf:

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