#107: #AskSigrun Picking a Name For Your Business

#AskSigrun Picking a Name for Your Business

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You may be an entrepreneur who’s starting a business or thinking of renaming your existing business. Remember that choosing a name for your business is as important as the products you sell or the services you offer. It’s an important part of your company’s branding and reflects what your business is all about.

In this episode, I help you figure out how to pick a name for your business and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using your own name for branding or a name that indicates what you do or offer. I also talk about how branding helps you rank on Google and share some business-naming stories and the factors these business owners considered in finalizing their business name.

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In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Questions to ask when picking a name
  • Branding under your name versus a name that reflects what you do
  • When not to use your name
  • Why it is cheaper to run Facebook ads under your name
  • Selling a program in your business

Key Takeaways:

  1. If you’re a coach, consultant, or trainer, pick your name (first and last) as a business name.
  2. If you intend to sell your business, don’t use your name for branding.

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