#91: How to Profit From Your Facebook Group with Caitlin Bacher

How to Profit From Your Facebook Group with Caitlin Bacher

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Caitlin Bacher is the creator of The Fab Facebook Group System, an approach that can help you grow your business in and through your Facebook community. Caitlin started her journey as a social media consultant in 2015 where she specialized in Instagram. Creating a Facebook group was one of the strategies she used to promote her services to find out later on that this approach would turn her business around.

In this episode, Caitlin joins me to share the game-changers that can turn your Facebook community from quiet to engaged. She also shares the three-step framework she crafted to encourage your Facebook community to connect with you and with one another. She also explains how you can form that connection and increase your revenue by genuinely caring for and helping the people in your Facebook community.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”The Facebook group should be a place where you are stirring desire, illuminating points, and shedding light on knowledge gaps. – Caitlin Bacher” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Benefits of having a Facebook group
  • When to close your Facebook group
  • The value in sharing stories over sharing tips
  • Three basic types of content
  • How to stir desire to your program
  • The different roles of people in your group
  • Why you should tally the content of your Facebook group
  • How to build KLT (Know-Like-Trust)
  • Why it’s important to want to help people

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Facebook group is a place where you get people excited about a specific topic that you’re an expert in.
  2. Instead of tips and tricks, start sharing stories and things that are relatable.
  3. Slow down to speed up.

Connect with Caitlin Bacher:

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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