Failed Launch? Here’s What You Can Do to Save Your Launch and Improve the Next One

Failed Launch? Here's How to Save Your Launch and Improve the Next One

Are you building your online business using launches to sell your programs? Then sooner or later, this will happen to you: A launch just doesn’t go your way. 

You might have launched successfully before, or maybe you’re just starting out. But that launch you carefully prepared and planned? It’s just not taking off. You fear it will be a failed launch. 

I’ve been there, and in this episode, I share all my tips on what you can do to save your launch, and how you can improve your next launch. 

Whether you’re in the middle of a launch right now, or preparing for the next one, or just had a failed launch — this episode is for you.

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What you will get out of this episode:

  • My first real launch – and what I did to turn it around (1:54)
  • Creating a hot list and how to reach out to people (7:04) 
  • Shifting your messaging in the middle of a launch (13:28) 
  • Typical reasons for people not to buy and how to tackle them (16:12)
  • Sharing success stories (18:59)
  • Interview and tag people who already bought (23:20)
  • Introduce bonuses (25:53)
  • Offering discovery calls (31:40)
  • The key points to saving your launch, and how to make it better next time (35:40)

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