#305: Why Speaking is Selling with Colin Boyd

#305: Why Speaking is Selling with Colin Boyd

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Colin Boyd is a Certified Professional Speaker (CSP) and qualified Performance Coach with the International Coaching Federation who helps others pitch their stories powerfully. He equips business owners with the skills they need to communicate their story persuasively on stage or online. With an Executive Coaching diploma and EDISC Behavioral certification, Colin helps his clients offer their products with clarity and boldness as they develop the confidence they need to present their ideas effectively.

Colin joins me today to explain the relationship between communication, public speaking, and selling. He discusses the different parts of a presentation and the different levels of the Speak and Sell Journey that allows you to shift your mindset on the focus of your presentation. He also shares the most significant revelations he’s had about the importance of masterminds, the transformation of business owners from speakers to sellers, and the different powerful ways to influence people.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Speaking isn’t about education. It’s not about entertainment. But speaking is selling.”- Colin Boyd” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • One of the reasons masterminds are so powerful
  • The difference between presenting to your audience and conversing with them
  • The role that your audience’s beliefs play in your speech and sale
  • The true purpose of telling a story
  • Three parts of any presentation
  • The biggest problem your audience have when listening to you speak
  • How to know what to teach and how much content to give
  • Sample frameworks and structures of a persuasive speech
  • What happens if you give your audience too much “How To’s”
  • How to build and design your presentation
  • The level of the Speak and Sell Journey that allows you to tap your audience’s conviction
  • Where your real influence kicks in

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Colin Boyd:

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