#293: Can you Start a Business Without a Business Idea?

Can you Start a Business Without a Business Idea?

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I always wanted to have my own business. While it may seem like my business was an overnight success, in reality, it was years in the making.

It took many years for me to develop the courage to start a business and several more years to figure out what I wanted my business to be. In this episode I share how I started my business without a clear business idea and the pivots I’ve made throughout my journey.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”I knew it would take time – but it was only a matter of time. – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • Getting clear on what you want and the lifestyle you want to live
  • My first business idea and why I chose not to pursue it
  • How I became a business consultant
  • How I discovered my passion and what I was good at

Key Takeaway:

  • It takes time to realize and develop a strong business idea.

Build Your Dream Business FREE Video Series

Are you ready to build your DREAM business? Learn the steps you need to take to turn your passions into profit and build your dream business with my new 8-week video series: Build Your Dream Business. You’ll learn how to create your vision, develop and plan your business idea, how to market your products or services, and much, much more!

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Build Your Dream Business

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