How to Be Successful in Love and Business at the Same Time with Sami Wunder

How to Be Successful in Love and Business at the Same Time with Sami WunderIs it possible to be successful in love and business at the same time? High achieving women know exactly how to get what they want when it comes to business, but sometimes struggle to have the same success with their romantic relationships. 

When Sami Wunder was finishing her master’s degree in Germany 10 years ago, she knew what she wanted from life: A successful career and a family with children. However, when she started looking for a serious partner, she soon found her dating life to be a disaster. No matter how many times she tried, things would never move forward with the right man. After a few months in she would realise it wasn’t the right match, or would end up heartbroken herself. 

She decided to understand what was making it so hard for an intelligent, attractive, sensitive woman to find love and studied the differences between men and women. She learned what attraction really means and how important it is to embrace her feminine side. 

9 months after shifting her mind, she met her future husband. Now, they’re happily married for seven years and have two children. 

Finding herself in a foreign country after her husband accepted a job in France, Sami decided to start her own business helping successful women with what she had mastered herself: Finding their happily-ever-after. 

Her business was born in 2016 and today, has grown into a multiple 7-figure business. So far, she has helped 192 women being successful in love alongside their business. 

In this episode, Sami shares the reasons why successful women struggle with their romantic relationships and the limiting beliefs they experience. She talks about how to attract the right match and how to deal with being more successful than your partner. 

Are you wondering how high achieving women can be successful in love AND business? Then this episode is a must! 

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Our relationships can only go as deep as the love we have for ourselves.” – Sami Wunder” username=”sigruncom”]

What you will get out of this episode:

    • How love became Sami’s topic (4:05)
    • Building a successful business helping women with their relationships (12:50) 
    • How to attract the right match as a successful business woman (19:54)
    • Where to meet the right person (27:00) 
    • How to deal with being more successful than your partner (31:20)

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Curious how I found love as a successful business woman? Hint: It was at a Tony Robbins event.

How to Attract the Right Match and Be Successful in Love AND Business

Attracting the right partner starts with your own beliefs. When a woman who is successful, driven and ambitious experiences repeated failure and rejection when dating, her mindset starts to get negative around men and what’s possible for her. 

Sami says that many of her clients experience the same limiting belief: Success pushes potential partners away. If you’ve ever experienced this belief, here are two ways to get over it: 

Embrace a different belief

Believing that your success scares away romantic partners would lead to the conclusion that you have to give up on your dreams and dial down your own success in order to find love. That’s not the right approach. Instead, embrace the belief that it’s absolutely possible to have amazing business success and amazing love at the same time. Sami has it. I have it. And you can have it, too. 

Build a connection through showing your vulnerability

When women become successful, they tend to identify a lot with that success. Unintentionally, they become ego-led in their interactions with a potential partner. They show off how amazing they are – and even though this doesn’t necessarily put off the other person, it doesn’t establish a connection with them either. The right partner won’t care about your success, but a real connection. That’s why you have to stop identifying so much with what you’ve achieved and show up as the true person you really are. 

It doesn’t mean you have to dumb down or pretend to be something you’re not. It simply means showing vulnerability. Instead of presenting the high-achieving, action-taking boss you are in your business, show your vulnerable, soft, and feminine side. That’s when you start allowing yourself to be successful in love and business. 

Were these tips helpful for you? You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Plan Your Business Success for 2021

Are you ready to set your goals and map out your vision for 2021? On December 10th, you can join me for a day of results-driven planning using the exact framework I’ve used to build my multiple 7-figure business. 

I created a way to make planning fun, insightful and effective. After this interactive live workshop, you’ll walk away with a comprehensive budget and business and launch plans for 2021 to get you executing on the right tasks for your success. 

Plan your business success and join me on Thursday, December 10th to make 2021 your best year yet!

Save your spot for the LIVE planning workshop here

Connect with Sami Wunder

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