#260: The Surprising Advantage of Niching Down on YouTube with Steve Dotto

#260: The Surprising Advantage of Niching Down on YouTube with Steve Dotto

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Steve Dotto is Canada’s most respected geek. He is the host and Executive Producer of Dotto Tech, a nationally syndicated TV show that teaches millions of Canadians the various aspects of technology. As an entertaining, yet informative keynote speaker, he has presented on stages like Social Media Marketing World, MacWorld, Canadian Independent Marketing Conference, and Agents of Change. His mission is to help others understand and master technology – at home, at school, and at work. He is passionate about helping others take charge of technology and discover their “inner geek.”

Steve and I discuss the surprising advantages of niching down your audience focus on YouTube. He explains the value of building and listening to your audience and community and how they can help you discover the direction you need to take with your YouTube channel. He also shares his thoughts on repurposing content on YouTube, the importance of being consistent in your publishing schedule, and the lessons he learned by splitting his channel into multiple channels to hyperfocus on a specific niche audience.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“The more you niche, the better you are.” – Steve Dotto” username=”sigruncom”]

In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Steve got started on YouTube and content marketing
  • How YouTube celebrates milestones with creators
  • The value of building and listening to your audience and community
  • Not focusing on subscriber numbers – and what to focus on instead.
  • How YouTube can help you build authority in your industry
  • What to consider when creating YouTube content
  • Consistently publishing content on YouTube
  • Having clarity around the content you produce
  • How to effectively repurpose content on YouTube
  • Respecting your audience’s time – as well as your content
  • Lessons he learned from niching down on YouTube
  • How niching down impacted his subscriber numbers
  • Why he split his YouTube channel into two separate channels – and how it impacted the growth of both channels
  • Setting strategic goals for your channel
  • Identifying the right platform for your content – and your audience
  • Dealing with negative comments and feedback on YouTube

Connect with Steve Dotto:

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