Sally Haughey had no trouble finding her passion. In 2010, she was training early childhood educators and it was her vision to transform early childhood education. Eight years later, she has made a seven figure online business out of her passion. Serve Your Audience, Not Yourself It started in 2000 when Sally took an… Continue reading #299: How a Teacher Created a 7-Figure Business and Moved to Paris with Sally Haughey
Tag: 7-Figure business
#96: My Million Dollar Mission
[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Have you ever thought about what your life would be like if you were a millionaire? What kind of impact would you have on the world? How would a million dollars transform your life? Earning… Continue reading #96: My Million Dollar Mission
#19: How to Grow Your First Million with Shazzie
[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Shazzie is a life and business mastery mentor, the host of Raw Kitchen on The Active Channel, and the author of five books. She is a recording artist of guided meditations for Divinity Publications, Ltd… Continue reading #19: How to Grow Your First Million with Shazzie