[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Jeanet Bathoorn is a Social Media Expert and the founder of Freedom Entrepreneurs (VrijheidsOndernemers®) where she helps entrepreneurs build the life of freedom they deserve. She is a best-selling author of 5 books, including Get… Continue reading #40: [Client Case Study] How I Changed My Business and Had a Six-Figure Launch with Jeanet Bathoorn
Tag: Client Case Study
#38: [Client Case Study] How Going Live Daily for 100 Days Changed My Business with Michelle Seaton Witte
[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Michelle Seaton Witte is a Facebook Live expert who has spent the majority of her life on stage or in front of the camera. Following her passion for performance and using her degree in Marketing,… Continue reading #38: [Client Case Study] How Going Live Daily for 100 Days Changed My Business with Michelle Seaton Witte
#36: [Client Case Study] How Learning to Launch Led to a Six-Figure Online Course with Katharina Maier
[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Katharina Maier is the owner of FRAU MAIER Stilberatung, a style consultancy company. She is passionate about helping women throughout the German-speaking market to identify their individual style. Katharina is recognized throughout her industry as… Continue reading #36: [Client Case Study] How Learning to Launch Led to a Six-Figure Online Course with Katharina Maier
#34: [Client Case Study] How I Did My First Six-Figure Launch with Katrin Hill
[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Katrin Hill is a Facebook Marketing Expert who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses by developing strategies to make Facebook work for them. She is recognized in the industry for organically growing her… Continue reading #34: [Client Case Study] How I Did My First Six-Figure Launch with Katrin Hill
#32: [Client Case Study] The Sales Funnel That Turns a 70% Profit Every Month with Sif the Vet
[one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 40px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”-50px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”-50px 5px 0 10px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third_last] Sif Traustadottir is an animal behaviorist and veterinarian in Iceland with over a decade of experience helping pet owners live in harmony with their pets. She is the owner of Sif the Vet where she… Continue reading #32: [Client Case Study] The Sales Funnel That Turns a 70% Profit Every Month with Sif the Vet