Only 2% of all female led businesses achieve a 7-figure annual revenue. 90% don’t even make 6 figures. Why? I’ve worked with over 3500 women in the last 7 years and made almost $10M in total revenue. During this time, I got a deep insight into why women don’t make more money. In this episode,… Continue reading Why Only 2% of Female Entrepreneurs Achieve 7 Figures
Tag: Female entrepreneurship
Find Your ‘Why’ and Your Business Will Thrive
Many entrepreneurs start their online business journey because they want to follow their passion, spend more time with their family, or set their own work hours while earning a living. But as your business grows, your reason – or your ‘why’ – may change and evolve. You start to dream bigger. You become bolder. In this… Continue reading Find Your ‘Why’ and Your Business Will Thrive