Have you ever envisioned something that then came true? Everything I achieved so far, I have envisioned first. I truly believe in the method of envisioning where I want to be to then be able to get there. Rachel Luna, my guest on the Sigrun Show this week, has specialised in designing her future by… Continue reading How to Design Your Future with Rachel Luna
Tag: journaling
#179: How Journaling Makes You More Productive with Mike Vardy
[one_third padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on iTunes[/one_third][one_third padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Stitcher[/one_third][one_third_last padding=”0px 0px 0 0px”]Listen on Google Play[/one_third_last] Mike Vardy is a productivity strategist, the creator of TimeCrafting, and the founder of Productivityist, a company that helps you be productive instead of merely checking things off your to-do list. He is also a… Continue reading #179: How Journaling Makes You More Productive with Mike Vardy