Instagram Growth Hacks with Zach Benson

Do you use Instagram for your business? Instagram has turned into a serious content marketing, networking and audience building tool, yet it can be tricky to figure out how to attract followers and grow your account.  Zach Benson, my guest this week on the Sigrun Show, has cracked the code and grows Instagram accounts for… Continue reading Instagram Growth Hacks with Zach Benson

How to Make $100K a Month with Facebook Ads without Launching with Rei Baumeister

How do you feel about Facebook ads?  Facebook offers a unique opportunity for online businesses to gain visibility, make sales and get new leads. But when you set up your Facebook ads, there’s a lot of boxes that need to be checked. With both your money and time on the line, there’s not much room… Continue reading How to Make $100K a Month with Facebook Ads without Launching with Rei Baumeister

How to Be Successful in Love and Business at the Same Time with Sami Wunder

Is it possible to be successful in love and business at the same time? High achieving women know exactly how to get what they want when it comes to business, but sometimes struggle to have the same success with their romantic relationships.  When Sami Wunder was finishing her master’s degree in Germany 10 years ago, she… Continue reading How to Be Successful in Love and Business at the Same Time with Sami Wunder

How to Become More Productive by Being Profit Focused with Penny Zenker

Have you ever struggled with your own productivity? Penny Zenker, my guest this week on The Sigrun Show, is a business strategy coach who helps her clients concentrate on the most important areas to grow their business, be more productive and be profit focused. When Penny’s father passed away unexpectedly when she was 19 years… Continue reading How to Become More Productive by Being Profit Focused with Penny Zenker

The Path to a Million Dollar Online Business

When I started my online business, I had no idea I was going to have a multiple 7-figure business 7 years later, or that I would achieve one million in revenue in 4 years.  I remember not even having these aspirations. I didn’t see myself as someone who could achieve that. Other people were doing… Continue reading The Path to a Million Dollar Online Business