Launching in Challenging Times with Ron Reich

Launching is the beating heart of an online business and my absolute favourite thing. There is one person who loves launching just as much as me and has made a name for himself as a launch-expert: Ron Reich. When my friend Selena Soo connected us last year, I immediately knew that I had to bring… Continue reading Launching in Challenging Times with Ron Reich

Switching Back to German After Building an International Business in English with Ines Festini

Do you think your business has to be in English because the market in your native language is too small? Because you want your business to be international or travel and work from anywhere?  This is what Ines Festini thought when she set up her health coaching business in English instead of her native German.… Continue reading Switching Back to German After Building an International Business in English with Ines Festini

How to Diversify Your Income and Be Better Prepared for the Next Recession with Teri Ijeoma

Does trading in the stock market sound scary to you?   In difficult times diversifying your income can be very useful, and trading is the option Teri chose nine years ago.  She had been working in the education industry for 10 years, helping to train teachers, working behind the scenes and hiring people who would become… Continue reading How to Diversify Your Income and Be Better Prepared for the Next Recession with Teri Ijeoma

Stepping Up as a True Leader in Times of Crisis with Kirsten Stendevad

Do you see yourself as a leader? We have definitely seen leaders emerge lately. Some heads of state are handling this crisis in a remarkable way, showing their human side. Others run around like headless chickens. What can you do as an entrepreneur to step up as a leader? Kirsten Stendevad will tell you. I… Continue reading Stepping Up as a True Leader in Times of Crisis with Kirsten Stendevad

Life & Business Opportunities during Covid-19

I’ve watched disaster movies, read about the Spanish flu and the Black Death, but never in a million years did I expect to experience a pandemic myself. Do you feel the same way?  It hit me on February 27th when I arrived in the US. I read about the first confirmed death in the United… Continue reading Life & Business Opportunities during Covid-19