6-Figure Breakthrough Series with Claudia Nichterl

Have you ever heard a story and been inspired by it so much, it made you stop procrastinating and take action?  Stories are a powerful way to generate inspiration. That’s why I decided to start a special series called 6-Figure Breakthrough Series, where my clients share how they reached 6 figures in their online business,… Continue reading 6-Figure Breakthrough Series with Claudia Nichterl

How to Create a Compelling Vision with Blanca Vergara

Do you have a compelling vision for your online business?  Having a vision doesn’t only give your business purpose and direction, it also helps you define your goals. A powerful vision plays a big role in leading your business to success.  Last summer, Blanca Vergara participated in my 10-week program SOMBA Kickstart. She started the… Continue reading How to Create a Compelling Vision with Blanca Vergara

Why Only 2% of Female Entrepreneurs Achieve 7 Figures

Only 2% of all female led businesses achieve a 7-figure annual revenue. 90% don’t even make 6 figures. Why?  I’ve worked with over 3500 women in the last 7 years and made almost $10M in total revenue. During this time, I got a deep insight into why women don’t make more money.  In this episode,… Continue reading Why Only 2% of Female Entrepreneurs Achieve 7 Figures

How You Instantly Get Rid of Fear and Overwhelm

Did you know that fear and overwhelm are the two most common reasons why people don’t make their dreams come true?  As entrepreneurs, we are used to putting ourselves out there, yet sometimes we are held back by these two emotions.  I see this happening all the time to women who want to build their… Continue reading How You Instantly Get Rid of Fear and Overwhelm