Everything You Need to Know About SOMBA Kickstart

Before I officially started my online business, I wasted 18 months overthinking my business idea.  I created freebie after freebie, tried tool after tool, signed up for one free training after the other – but my business didn’t take off. After nine months I admitted to myself that I needed help. I was scared of… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About SOMBA Kickstart

2020 Year in Review Roundup From SOMBA and Mastermind Members

I’m very proud of my Mastermind and SOMBA members who have achieved many breakthroughs in 2020. I asked them to share their ‘Year in Review’ posts within our community and in turn, I want to share their greatest moments with you. Are you more of a reader? Scroll down if you prefer reading about their… Continue reading 2020 Year in Review Roundup From SOMBA and Mastermind Members

Work with Your Dream Clients Regardless of Language, Location or List Size with Prerna and Mayank Malik

There comes a time in your business when you’re able to choose who you work with. Maybe you’ve already identified who your dream client is. But what can you do when that dream client seems far beyond your reach? How do you convince someone who’s more known than you to trust in your services?  Prerna… Continue reading Work with Your Dream Clients Regardless of Language, Location or List Size with Prerna and Mayank Malik

How to Make Better Financial Decisions and Cure Your Money Dysmorphia with Ali Katz

Do you find it difficult to increase your prices? To charge what you’re worth?  I’ve met countless women with money mindset issues. I myself had to change the way I think about money in order to be successful. But this week on the Sigrun Show, my guest’s story goes far beyond that.  Ali Katz achieved… Continue reading How to Make Better Financial Decisions and Cure Your Money Dysmorphia with Ali Katz