#262: How to Test Your Business Idea with Regina Diez

#262: How to Test Your Business Idea with Regina Diez

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Regina Diez currently works as a Key-Account Manager for a US-based company in Germany. Her passion for the fashion and style industry initially began as a young girl while helping her family on the farm. Over the years, that passion has grown and has led her to take a course to become a personal style coach.

Regina joins me for this On Air Coaching episode to learn how to turn her passion into a profitable personal style coaching business. We discuss how to find test clients to validate her business idea and the ideal length for her beta program. We also discuss the importance of treating your test clients as though they were paying clients, the importance of identifying your ideal clients, the benefits of working with more than three beta clients as well as the ultimate goal of testing your business idea with beta programs.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“The test client has to experience your service.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How to find your first three test clients to test your new business idea
  • Identifying the outcome goals for your test clients
  • The ideal length of a beta program for your business
  • Condensing your program modules to prevent overwhelming your clients
  • Treating your test clients the same as you would a paying client
  • How identifying your ideal client can help you vet test clients
  • Incorporating online and offline experiences into your programs
  • How to effectively receive feedback from your test clients
  • The benefits of working with more than three beta clients
  • Focusing on the present instead of worrying about the future

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