My Origin Story: The Path to 8 Figures

My Origin Story: The Path to 8 FiguresThis is a very special episode of The Sigrun Show. For the first time ever, I switched seats and instead of being the interviewer, I’m the one being interviewed.

My dear friend Selena Soo agreed to help me tell my story from a different angle: By asking me questions you always wanted to know the answers to.

My biggest struggles, setbacks and low points, but also my most powerful epiphanies, lessons and wins — we’re going over a lot I’ve never shared publicly before. Not just to tell you an entertaining story, but to provide value and inspiration for everyone who finds themselves on the rocky road of entrepreneurship. Here’s my path to 8 figures.

Are you more of a reader? Go here to read the full interview.

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What you will get out of this episode:

  • How not everyone is born a natural entrepreneur (2:36)
  • My starting fears (3:40)
  • My very first business idea (5:05)
  • How I pivoted to the business I have now (9:04)
  • The throwing-spaghetti-against-the-wall-phase(11:27)
  • The strategy behind my webinars (14:05)
  • How my business changed once I started working with a coach (16:03)
  • My thoughts on starting an online business today (18:01)
  • The top 2 things that brought my business to where it is today (21:01)
  • How my ascension model works (23:12)
  • My high-level mastermind to bring my clients to 7 figures (28:49)
  • Why I’m no longer scared to raise my rates (31:50)
  • How I handle people who aren’t a fit for my programs (34:58)
  • The qualities of my most successful clients (38:34)
  • How I structure my team (41:21)
  • What I do to recharge my energy (44:36)
  • My biggest wish (46:51)
  • The moment I decided to never let a man stop me from achieving my dreams and how that affected my relationships (48:56)
  • My relationship advice for strong, independent women (58:38)
  • My final message for YOU (1:04:46)