#274: Creating a Thriving Online Business with Baby Sleep Trainer Tamiko Kelly

Create a Thriving Online Business with Baby Sleep Trainer Tamiko Kelly

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Tamiko Kelly has been helping families as a baby sleep trainer since 2008. She assists tired parents through in-home services or her online course so that they can learn how to get their babies to sleep like an angel through the night. With more than 50,000 hours of training experience, she has perfected the system of getting children aged zero to seven to sleep without tears. 

Tamiko shares how she created an online course while mastering the art of getting babies to sleep. She talks about the challenges she faced when starting her business and how she overcame them as well as what inspired her to create an online course to teach parents how to gently get their babies to sleep. She also discusses product pricing, the different ways she launched the program, and what an online course can do for your tribe.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“The problem is not access to information. The problem is the organization of information. People don’t know where to start.” – Tamiko Kelly” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • How Tamiko’s business was born
  • The powerful marketing strategy that led to more clients
  • What triggered the creation of her online course
  • What made her want to start an online business
  • What made her course different and more effective than the ones on the market
  • The support she offers to moms who long for a good night’s sleep
  • How she proved that her program works and how she got testimonials for it
  • What is silent launching?
  • The different types of launches she tried before she made her program evergreen
  • Why she decided to stick with evergreen launching
  • Why she awards a ‘scholarship’ to one mom at least once a year
  • How she plans to grow her community
  • Why she’s aiming for more partnerships in 2019

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Tamiko Kelly:

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