#296: Trust The Process

#296: Trust The Process

Six years ago, I didn’t have a business. I didn’t even have an idea for a business. I was unemployed and sick. I had just lost my job the second time in 15 months and was still recovering from being sick and unable to work for seven months. 

For many years, I had been dreaming of starting my own business but I never had the courage to finally take that leap. Sitting there, jobless again, I knew this was the right moment to start. I was ready to throw myself into creating my own business. 

But one little problem remained: I still didn’t have a business idea. For months, I started to try various things. I read books, I took online courses and settled on a business idea that I took ahead for four months, until I realized that my heart wasn’t in it. 

On the other hand, I knew exactly what I wanted my life to be like. I wanted to be location independent and work whenever and wherever. I wanted to spend extended time with my parents in Iceland and at the same time be with my husband and stepsons in Switzerland. I wanted to care for my health, travel the world and live life on my own terms.

Connecting True Passion with the Right Business Idea

Slowly, a business idea started to form in my head. It dawned on me that other people must be struggling to find their business ideas, too. I knew I wanted to help them. I created a framework of exercises and announced on social media that I was offering an online course I called Passion-a-thon. I created the course so people could discover their true passion and figure out how that passion could be used to start a business. 134 people signed up. Since then, over 500 participants have gone through the course. 

The Passion-a-thon doesn’t only help finding the right business idea. It helps the participants to reconnect with their true passion and figure out what they really want in life and business. The key thing to make it work? Trust the process. 

How Following the Path Leads to Success

This is something I continuously repeat to my clients: Trust the process! One exercise might give one participant insight and another exercise might be perfectly suited to push another participant forward. In the end, producing this series of exercises in the exact order I have done is what made this course so successful. 

When people ask if they can do exercise three before exercise one, again I tell them to trust the process. The goal is to figure out the quickest way for them to build a business that is close to their vision and based on their passion. When they trust the process, that’s how they will figure out how to do that. 

In my SOMBA program, things are a bit different. The audience in this online program is very diverse: There are people who have just started out, others who are already making money with their business and people who are close to or are already owning a six figure online business. One size doesn’t fit all – but because the program is built up around a framework, everyone knows the path they have to follow. This path shows them all the different stages that help them move from zero to test clients, from one on ones to group sessions, from an online course to a signature program. The whole program is based on following these stages in order to lead an online business to success. 

It’s not a process I randomly came up with – it’s based on me building a million dollar business in four years. I trusted the process. Will you, too? 

Build Your Dream Business FREE Video Series

Are you ready to build your DREAM business? Learn the steps you need to take to turn your passions into profit and build your dream business with my new 8-week video series: Build Your Dream Business. You’ll learn how to create your vision, develop and plan your business idea, how to market your products or services, and much, much more!

What are you waiting for?

Sign up now to begin your journey to building a profitable online business!

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