#277: How to Work with Me in 2019

#277: How to Work with Me in 2019

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BOLD. That’s my Word of the Year for 2019. With this boldness in mind, I have decided to redesign my programs for the upcoming year to provide more impact and support for female entrepreneurs. My inspiration for these programs is the mantra, “More is more.” And this is exactly what you’re going to get if you work with me in 2019 —MORE.

In this episode, I discuss the different ways you can work with me and my team in the upcoming year. I share the life-altering experiences that led me to become an entrepreneur, the benefits of joining support and accountability groups like a Mastermind Group as well as the action required when you think BIG as an entrepreneur. I also share why I’m embracing the “More is More” mantra and the exciting details of the group programs we’re offering in 2019.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“Make sure that you get the best support moving forward to 2019 and don’t compromise on it. You are worth it.” – Sigrun” username=”sigruncom”]

In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • The turning point that made me decide to be an entrepreneur
  • How overthinking impacted my progress to be a businesswoman
  • The one regret I have in business
  • One-on-One Programs vs. Group programs
  • How I established client connection through offline activities
  • Why I decided to stop offering Mastermind Days
  • My vision and how it will impact women
  • My mission and how it can help you
  • The support I offered to an experimental group coaching program we’re working on that provided great results
  • The difference between my SOMBA, Momentum, and Accelerator Programs

Resources Mentioned:

Let’s Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? We’re now accepting applications for more fabulous women like you to join our Mastermind Programs in 2019! Applications are reviewed and approved on a first come, first serve basis.

Don’t put your success on the back burner! Apply today!

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Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Sigrun Show. If you enjoyed this episode please share, subscribe and review on iTunes or Google Play Music so more people can enjoy the show. Don’t forget to follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.