#338: From Zero Subscribers to Over $10K in Online Business Revenue in 8 Weeks with Lena Küssner

From Zero Subscribers to Over $10K in Online Business Revenue in 8 Weeks with Lena Küssner

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Lena Küssner has been in the advertising industry for more than 15 years. After years of working in the corporate world, Lena realized that her passion is to help solopreneurs develop their personal brands. Her educational background in Business Psychology helps in the success of her clients as she creates successful attention-grabbing brands.

Lena joins me today to share how she started her online business journey from having zero email subscribers to earning over $10k in revenue within her first 8 weeks and the marketing tools she used to achieve it. She explains the significance of having a few good mentors as role models as you become a role model yourself. She discusses why it’s not possible to determine your capability as an entrepreneur if you’re still working in a corporate setting or if you’re dealings are B2B. In addition, she shares how she transitioned from being a hobbyist or a “good friend who does the job” into a serious and bold online entrepreneur.

[tweetshareinline tweet=”“When you have the right tools and the right community and the right mindset, so much is possible.” – Lena Küssner” username=”sigruncom”]


In This Episode of The Sigrun Show:

  • When Lena decided to become a solopreneur.
  • How her working schedule has changed since she switched to a part-time corporate job in July 2019(reduced to 3 working days instead of five)
  • What she craved in business that she didn’t find while working full time in the corporate world
  • How she discovered what her calling is in business
  • How she got clients for her business
  • What encouraged her to keep going as an entrepreneur
  • The online marketing tools she used when she started her business
  • How she built her email list from zero to 100 in ten days
  • Where her boldness to offer a higher price range for her first online course came from
  • What a good conversion rate is for online business

2x Your Online Business Results in 90 Days!

Are you ready to get better results in your online business? Ready to get super clear on your niche and finally get more done than ever before? Join me on September 22, 2019 for the free 90-Day Strategy to 2x Your Results Class! You’ll learn the exact 3 tools you need to scale your online business and focus on the activities that will get you the most results.

So if you’re ready to scale your online business to the next level, click here to save your seat for the 90-Day Strategy to 2x Your Results free live training.

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